Portfolio & Marketing ROI Analysis
Find out how, when and where to place your products in order to boost their marketing potential.
Portfolio & Marketing ROI Analysis maximises your marketing effectiveness and sales potential by analysing your current portfolio, the channels / markets you operate in, and the competition you face to identify areas of opportunity. Using a combination of data-driven insights, machine learning and market research, the analysis helps you identify the most cost-effective channels and strategies to attract, engage, and convert customers into customers.
Depending on your needs, our experts can support you both in the design and implementation phases of such a project. Feel free to book a non-committal video call with our subject-matter expert to get an idea of the value, feasibility and scope. Typical projects are:
Customer Behaviour and Recommendations
Gain insights into customer preferences and behaviour to decide on the best product placement and marketing strategy. Build recommender systems to suggest the right product to the right customer in the right channel.
Marketing ROI Analytics
Measure the return on investment (ROI) in different marketing activities to better understand your campaigns' effectiveness.
Promotions, Portfolio and Channel Optimisation
Evaluate the most effective and efficient price promotions. Assess the most compatible product/sales channel combinations to ensure customer satisfaction and profitability.
For inspiration, feel free to browse through some of the highlighted case studies below.